I used to be one of the most patriotic people I knew. My favorite skirt in middle school was made of material covered with the American flag. I had a tape of all American Anthems . . . and it was one of my favorites! My brother & my brother-in-law have both served in our military, and I'm so grateful for so many people who have given their lives for our freedom. I've visited many countries around the world that don't enjoy the freedoms we have, and I'm eternally grateful for our freedom . . . sort of . . . I've also found in other countries that they are more devoted to God because they don't enjoy the freedoms we have. They can't depend on their government to legislate morality or allow them to meet in church gatherings. They must depend on God. Our easy life doesn't enjoy sacrifice, and that is what Christianity is about.
But I was convicted of my patriotism one day a couple of years ago when speaking with a music pastor at a local church. He said the most frustrating days to lead "worship" in his church were the patriotic days. It wasn't because he didn't like the music or the cause, it was the response of the people. He said it was always the most passionate day of "worship" . . . unfortunately, the worship was of our country or the people who served our country . . . not God. Week in and week out, he would watch complacent people singing in the pews about how great God is with no emotion whatsoever . . . but he would pull out America the Beautiful, and people were moved to tears.
Again, please don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the USA . . . but do we worship it & our freedom more than God? Just something to think about . . .