Saturday, February 11, 2012


He is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.  John Piper

This quote has intrigued me for years.  I liked it with my head, but as with so many aspects of Christianity and Scripture, it has difficulty making it into my heart.  The idea is great, but how does that happen. I had two conversations yesterday that helped shed some light on it for me.   

I was talking with my friend Lisa yesterday, and she was talking about two interesting passages of Scripture.  The first one:  James 5:11 "We count those blessed who endured. You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome of the Lord’s dealings, that the Lord is full of compassion and is merciful." Even after living through difficult times, we can still say that He is merciful & compassionate.  And the second passage in conjunction with it is from Job, since the passage in James is making reference to Job: Job 42:5  "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees You;"  We both acknowledged that we knew the Lord pretty well before our unique trials, but as Job says here, "But now my eye sees You." We knew things with our heads, but now with our hearts, or "our eyes of faith" as she put it. 

The second conversation was with Miles.  I was just saying that I feel like God has taken me to new depths in relationship with Him. He asked "What has God taught you that makes you feel like that?" Strangely enough I wasn't exactly sure how to answer the question. He has given me peace like I've never experienced in the midst of trial (vs. after the trial when hindsight is 20/20). There is nothing like being at complete peace in the midst of seeming chaos. I have typically been able to see that after the trial, but not during the trial. But it is more than that . . . I trust Him. There are passages of Scripture that don't make "logical" sense, and yet, it doesn't matter to me. I know that He is in control. I know that He has a purpose. I know that His ways are far higher than my ways . . . Hence why He is God and not me :). Miles said, "Yes. As we grow, He shows us more of Him and not more of what to do!" That is the point of Christianity anyway . . . to know Him . . . to bring Him glory!

So I'm learning more and more of God, and less about what I am to be doing.  Christianity isn't about "maintaining" my salvation.  God did that; it is finished.  It is about Him.  I can rest because I trust Him implicity.  I can trust, because He has opened my eyes of faith.  It is a very satisfying place to be . . . and according to John Piper, it is where He is most glorified.