After some delays (that I understand are oh so very common in adoption processes), our homestudy is in our hands now. It is complete . . . that is until we have to do an addendum in January after we get moved into our new home.
I imagine that this process is going to really become difficult now as we wait. Waiting is always the hardest. At least prior to this document being completed, I was following up on paperwork and such. It was also really nice to have the distractions of selling a house, buying a car, buying a house, end of semester work influx, and Christmas festivities.
So December 29, if all goes well, we will sell our house at noon, and buy another house at 2pm. The new house and yard are much more conducive to having children. The yard is relatively flat, and it doesn't empty into a major road. There are four bedrooms and lots of living space. When we move in, the house will instantly become a construction zone, as we have alot of updating to do. We won't do all of it when we move in, but we will be doing a very large portion of it when we move in. This will probably help the waiting process, but having all of that space will increase my desire to share it with a child(ren).
If you want to know more about the homestudy process, I found that these websites were pretty helpful.
Now on to distributing the homestudy and applying for adoption grants . . .