I was a bit frustrated as I wasn't told about it until the day before we moved into our new house. I could have been working on it for months, but she neglected to tell me until then. If you know us at all, then you know when we moved into our house it immediately became a construction zone as we are doing extensive remodeling. I knew it was going to be a while until I was able to work on the book, and it was. The renovations in our house are going slowly due to Miles' health and uncommonly increased real estate business for the months of January and February. Increased business is great; I am not complaining! I have learned alot about letting God time things out though.
God knew that the lady wasn't going to tell me about the book until the day she did. God knew that Miles' health would take a bit of a dive. God is the One Who brings business to us. God knew the renovations would take longer than we anticipated due to all of those things. The child that we are supposed to have will not be deterred by these things. God is not bound by seemingly poor timing. He is in control of everything. We need not worry.
Anyway, with the help of some friends and family, I got the photo book completed (with 2 minor errors I might add . . . it doesn't sit well with my slightly OCD personality :)). I shipped two to me, and one to the agency. They emailed me on Thursday to tell me that they received the book. They also told me that our home study addendum, that needs to be completed because we moved since our original home study, will not keep her from showing our profile to birth mothers. I was very relieved by that! Miles unfortunately was panicked because we have two stud walls with hot wires on them and a set of open stairs into the basement . . . things that will not pass a home study addendum. It will get done. I'm not worried. We have both been reminded over the last couple of months how God is in control of everything. Worry does nothing but waste your time and energy.

1. Pray that we will continue to be patient and trust God during this process. We could literally receive a phone call today saying we have a baby, come pick them up today; or it could be years until a call comes. The limbo is difficult.
2. Pray for Miles' health to improve.
3. Pray for the birth moms' out there that are making the difficult decision to give up their children.
4. Pray for the child that God has picked out for us. Pray for his/her protection in utero and out.
5. Pray for progress on our renovation.
6. Pray for business for Miles' to help pay for the renovations and the adoption.
7. Pray for funding for the adoption. It is a very expensive process. If you would like to help us financially to fund this adoption, below is the link to our gofund me page.
Below is the link to ou
r photo book for the birth mom's to look at and get to know us some. Please take a look at it. Show it to people. The goal is to get our story out there.
Now that this unforeseen piece is completed, time to start applying for grants.
You are right: "Worry does nothing but waste your time and energy." Just about everything seemed to go wrong when John and I went to sell our house, but God was in control. Thank you for providing more specifics about your prayer needs.